The Autobiography of a Flower:
The Cockscomb
February 9th, 2014 by
by Chunhak Kwon
Translated by Hana Kim
When I was around thirteen or fourteen
I wanted to wear a dress with lace
When I was around twenty-three or twenty-four
I wanted to wear a tiara with black pearls
When I was around thirty-three or thirty-four
I wanted to burn brightly
And when I became around forty-three or forty-four
I wanted to have a seal with red ink
When I become around fifty-three or fifty-four
I would like to write a poem impervious even to the frost
And then I would like to have another long dream and
lay myself down to rest in your flowerbed
꽃의 자서전
- 맨드라미
열 서너 살쯤엔
레이스 달린 드레스가 입고 싶었어요.
스무 서너 살 땐
흑진주가 박힌 관을 쓰고 싶었구요.
서른 서너 살 무렵엔
활활 타오르고 싶더군요.
그러다 마흔 서너 살이 되니까
빨간 인주의 낙관이 갖고 싶어졌어요.
쉰 서너 살쯤엔
서리에도 지워지지 않는 시 한 편 갖고 싶어요.
그리고 나서 또 다시 긴 꿈을 꾸며
당신의 꽃밭에서 목숨 내리고 싶어요.